About the office
The mission of University Internal Audit (IA) is to assist the management of California State University, Los Angeles (Cal State LA) and its auxiliaries to effectively carry out their responsibilities to establish an appropriate control environment and make decisions concerning University resources, both financial and non-financial. By performing operational, compliance, and/or internal reviews, IA provides management with objective and independent information and assurance about university activities, the effectiveness of procedures, and the adequacy of internal controls.
Internal Audit is also the campus liaison for any audits, reviews, and investigations conducted by the Chancellor’s Office Audit & Advisory Services (A&AS), as well as audits and reviews performed by external agencies such as the California State Auditor and State Controller’s Office, among others.
As the campus liaison, Internal Audit assists campus departments with responding to internal control questionnaires, reviewing draft reports for accuracy, assisting management with the development of corrective action plans to address recommendations, and reviewing and monitoring the implementation of corrective action plans.
External Audit Notice Requirement:
Please notify the Internal Audit Department if you receive notification of an audit, review, or investigation by an external entity or reviewing agency.
Email external audit notices to University Internal Audit at InternalAudit@calstatela.edu

Whistleblower Complaints
Internal Audit is designated to receive formal whistleblower complaints from employees and third parties who wish to submit a Complaint that alleges Improper Governmental Activity and/or a Significant Threat to Health or Safety has occurred or is occurring at Cal State LA.
This newsletter is used to communicate news and items of interest to campus management. If you have any suggestions or topics you would like us to address in future issues, please get in touch with us at InternalAudit@calstatela.edu with “Newsletter” as the subject.