University Campus Map
34.0667, -118.169
Administration (ADM)
34.0658, -118.17
34.0683, -118.169
Alumni Center
34.0718, -118.169
Anna Bing Arnold Children's Center
34.0649, -118.168
Annenberg Science Complex La Kretz (ASCL)
34.0683, -118.167
Arena Theatre
34.0645, -118.167
Athletics - Jesse Owens Track and Field
34.0655, -118.166
Athletics - Reeder Field
34.0642, -118.166
Athletics - Tennis/Basketball Courts
34.066595065176, -118.16762225562
Athletics - University Gym
34.0641, -118.169
34.0673, -118.167
34.0655, -118.169
Biological Sciences (BS)
34.066101124609, -118.16825615096
Career Center (CC)
34.0642, -118.169
Corporation Yard
34.063, -118.173
Emergency Phone
34.0638, -118.173
Emergency Phone
34.0653, -118.172
Emergency Phone
34.0649, -118.171
Emergency Phone
34.0646, -118.17
Emergency Phone
34.065, -118.167
Emergency Phone
34.0655, -118.167
Emergency Phone
34.066, -118.166
Emergency Phone
34.066, -118.168
Emergency Phone
34.0678, -118.167
Emergency Phone
34.0676, -118.164
Emergency Phone
34.069, -118.165
Emergency Phone
34.0691, -118.166
Emergency Phone
34.0695, -118.168
Emergency Phone
34.0667, -118.166
Engineering and Technology (ET)
34.0658, -118.171
Financial Aid
34.067284417001, -118.16642378902
Fine Arts (FA)
34.064, -118.169
Gerontology Center
34.067544468378, -118.16844746494
Golden Eagle (GE) - Bookstore, Conference Center, Food Court, College of Professional and Global Education, Pat Brown Institute, University Club
34.067206680621, -118.16838355589
Golden Eagle ATM
34.0673, -118.169
Golden Eagle Dining
34.0652, -118.17
Greenlee Plaza
34.0621, -118.174
Hertzberg-Davis Forensic Science Center
34.0692, -118.166
Housing Information
34.066, -118.165
Hydrogen Station
34.0649, -118.173
Information - Welcome Center
34.0692, -118.168
Intimate Theatre
34.0653, -118.168
James M. Rosser Hall
34.067434500668, -118.16749620867
John F. Kennedy Memorial Library
34.067113346192, -118.16742647123
John F. Kennedy Memorial Library - Palmer Wing
34.0678, -118.166
King Hall (KH) and Lecture Halls
34.0691, -118.167
Los Angeles County High School for the Arts (LACHSA)
34.068622202063, -118.16841306019
Luckman Gallery
34.0692, -118.169
Luckman Theatre
34.0643, -118.171
Marc and Eva Stern Math and Science School
34.0685, -118.167
Music (MUS)
34.0687, -118.168
Music Hall
34.0659, -118.167
NASA Space Lab
34.0634, -118.173
Parking Lot 1
34.066, -118.166
Parking Lot 10
34.0635, -118.167
Parking Lot 11
34.063, -118.173
Parking Lot 1A
34.0641, -118.171
Parking Lot 2
34.0651, -118.169
Parking Lot 3
34.0662, -118.169
Parking Lot 4
34.0707, -118.167
Parking Lot 5
34.069, -118.168
Parking Lot 6
34.0689, -118.164
Parking Lot 7
34.0698, -118.164
Parking Lot 7A
34.0672, -118.166
Parking Lot 8
34.0663, -118.165
Parking Lot 9
34.065, -118.172
Parking Structure A
34.0652, -118.171
Parking Structure B
34.0701, -118.168
Parking Structure C
34.06416668185, -118.17279615211
Parking, Transportation Service Center, Police/Public Safety (PUBS)
34.0665, -118.168
Physical Education (PE)
34.0678, -118.165
Residence Hall
34.067195586229, -118.16662985516
Ronald H. Silverman Fine Arts Gallery
34.0639, -118.17
Salazar Hall (SH)
34.0642, -118.169
Simpson Tower (ST)
34.0685, -118.169
34.0684, -118.168
State Playhouse
34.065824441205, -118.16999731779
Student Affairs (SA)
34.06574000792, -118.16839428473
Student Health Center (HC)
34.065846660477, -118.1705225668
Student Services
34.068, -118.169
Student Union Dining
34.0631, -118.169
Transit Center
34.0695, -118.17
TV, Film, Media (TVFM)
34.068213315181, -118.16881492758
University Student Union (U-SU)
Golden Eagle (GE) - Bookstore, Conference Center, Food Court, College of Professional and Global Education, Pat Brown Institute, University Club
Golden Eagle (GE) - Bookstore, Conference Center, Food Court, College of Professional and Global Education, Pat Brown Institute, University Club
John F. Kennedy Memorial Library - Palmer Wing
Los Angeles County High School for the Arts (LACHSA)
Marc and Eva Stern Math and Science School
Parking, Transportation Service Center, Police/Public Safety (PUBS)

To obtain a braille-printed copy of the campus map, please visit the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD).
General Parking
- Visitors with guest passes: Park in lot designated on the pass.
- Visitors with reservations: check in at parking kiosk for parking in Lot 4.
- Visitors without passes: park in areas with permit dispensers or meters (top level, Parking Structure C; all levels,
- Parking Structure A; Lot 2; Lot 5; Lot 7).
- NOTE: Permits/passes must be displayed at all times. Questions? Call Parking Reservations, (323) 343-3704.
Disabled Parking
Parking with Cal State LA current permit only (includes persons with DMV Placards) on Circle Drive, Paseo Rancho Castilla, B-Level of the Parking Structure B, all levels of Parking Structures A and C, Lot 4, Lot 6, Lot 7, Lot 7A (residence area), Lot 8, and Lot 10.
Navigating King Hall
King Hall has 4 wings:
- - Southwest (nearest to Kennedy Library)
- - Southeast (nearest to Engineering and Technology)
- - Northeast (nearest to Lot 7)
- - Northwest (nearest to Lot 5)
- Rooms in the middle corridor are associated with whatever wing they abut.
- There are 6 floors, B (for Basement) to 5.
- If the room assignment has 3 digits, then the room is in the Basement.
- If the room has 4 digits, then it is on an upper floor.
- Examples: D140 is in the D Wing Basement, and C4069 is in the C Wing Fourth Floor.